Hiring painters may seem daunting at first, but keeping certain factors in mind will ensure the job gets completed successfully from day one.
Reputable painters should always be willing to answer any inquiries that come their way – from insurance coverage and expertise, they should provide all of the answers needed.
When meeting with potential painters, be sure to inquire about their size of crew and scope of work they will be performing on your project. This will allow you to determine an estimated completion date as well as ensure they will complete it on schedule.
Ask about their indirect costs as well, such as rent/utility payments for their workspace, equipment/work truck maintenance/purchases/upkeep fees, overhead, benefits to their crew, etc.
Ask about their preferred brand of paint and why it has such an economic pull on their recommendation. If their answer depends on a financial motivation, proceed with caution when accepting such advice.
Professional Painters Melbourne possess years of experience, so they can quickly complete larger painting projects within weeks or less. You could expect your new, beautifully painted home!
Painting contractors in certain states must obtain a license, making licensing vitally important to homeowners as it guarantees they comply with local and state regulations when working on your home.
Ask about their business history, including testimonials and reviews to give an indication of its longevity and operational standards.
Ask about their choice of paint as it will last longer and how they plan on prepping it before painting, including whether any damaged areas will be addressed prior to any painting being performed.
Be sure to inquire whether the contractor uses subcontractors, and conduct background checks on each one. Subcontractors may not receive the proper training or supervision. It would be prudent to work with a full-service painting company which employs their own employees instead.
State law mandates professional painters carry liability and workers’ compensation coverage; therefore, you should ask to see proof before hiring one. Otherwise, should one of your painters get injured on your property without coverage, you could end up facing an expensive medical bill for treatment costs incurred from this incident.
Discuss their guarantee or warranty as well. Ideally, painting companies offer one to two year guarantees to cover any chipping, peeling, blistering, flaking or excessive fading that might occur after they complete their task.
Hiring a reliable contractor will ensure your project is completed on time and on budget. Be wary of anyone claiming they’re qualified, so take time to learn about their experience and check references as well as websites/social media profiles for customer reviews of potential companies. Membership of local community organizations or professional trade associations are another sign that a reputable painter exists.
Painting contractors with outstanding reviews from previous customers are an indicator that care deeply about customer service. Ask about the number of positive customer reviews they’ve earned as well as references available so you can reach out and make contact.
Be wary of painting contractors offering lifetime guarantees; such companies could go out of business in just one or two years. Instead, look for one to two year warranties covering both paint and labor/application services.
Ideally, any painting contractor who will use your home as their office should have comprehensive business liability and worker’s compensation insurance that protects both them and you in case they accidentally damage any of your property during the project. Also ensure they carry liability coverage on their vehicles – some painters own vans while others rent from a commercial rental center – in which case make sure a representative from their company will oversee them on-site.